Voices of Change: João from Lisbon, Portugal
"Elders often reminisce about how things were different just one or two decades ago"
What is your name and where are from?
I am João A. Reis, a 25-year-old male from Lisbon, Portugal. Currently, I am studying Conflict Resolution at Tel Aviv University.
Have you heard the term Climate change?
My awareness of climate change has primarily come from news articles and discussions.
What is the climate over there?
Beyond the city limits, the seasons have become less distinct, and instability caused by floods, fires, and other natural phenomena has increased. While many of us remain unaffected, farmers and land workers have had to adapt their crop strategies to cope with these changes
Do you guys see any changes in the climate during past few years
Portugal faces the dual challenge of mitigating these environmental issues while managing the additional costs associated with such efforts. Lisbon, in particular, is striving to improve pedestrian walkways, cycling infrastructure, and public transportation. However, implementing these changes demands substantial investment. Moreover, the influx of suburban commuters exacerbates the situation.
What does your family think about the climate change?
When I think of climate change, the urgency of collective action resonates with me. Elders often reminisce about how things were different just one or two decades ago. There are discussions in my family, as well, about how the climate changed and will continue to change in a decade’s time.
What is your opinion on climate change, why does it occur, and what is the main cause?
To address the climate change issue, significant investments would be necessary, but Portugal’s financial resources are limited. Therefore, I think we should work on more sustainable options to achieve harmony with nature in the long-term.
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